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Detailed Overview Of Public Holidays

65 Holidays in Bavaria in 2024

Detailed Overview of Public Holidays

Mark your calendars! The year 2024 will bring an abundance of opportunities to celebrate and relax in Bavaria. With a total of 65 public holidays, including both federal and state-specific observances, residents of Bavaria will have ample time to commemorate important events, indulge in festivities, and enjoy the great outdoors.

Key Dates to Remember

Among the most notable holidays in 2024 is Pfingsten (Whitsunday), which falls on May 20th. This Christian holiday marks the coming of the Holy Spirit and is often celebrated with religious services and festive gatherings. Additionally, there are several other key holidays to keep in mind, such as:

  • New Year's Day (January 1st)
  • Epiphany (January 6th)
  • Good Friday (April 5th)
  • Easter Monday (April 8th)
  • Labour Day (May 1st)
  • Corpus Christi (June 20th)
  • Assumption Day (August 15th)
  • German Unity Day (October 3rd)
  • All Saints' Day (November 1st)
  • Christmas Day (December 25th)
  • Boxing Day (December 26th)
